Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Hello there
I am the only full member
of the depressive suicidal black metal band
I have recently released the new EP ''Total antihumanitarian art''
The most misanthropic music in a long time
it is pure fucking black metal with hardcore punk influences
if you buy the album, you have done a great deed for the enemy of society
and the money will be reinvested into dedication to my evil music.
Great (or horrible) wishes, From Ghoul
The EP : https://seba.bandcamp.com/album/total-antihumanitarian-art

Futher notations on the music;
my music is completely based on the sense of negativity, loneliness and hatred for life and it's forms.
i do not wish cruelty on any respectable person,but with this music i want people to experience pain.
to finally fucking feel how all of us millions feel about all the parasites and idiots we share our world with. Dont take it too serious, unless that is ofcourse your wish.
Cheers again, Ghoul.